A dazzling Shaadi, an Indian wedding reception, in hues of champagne and scarlet. Our new Versailles seating called all attention to the opulent stage. Petals lined the aisle along with cream podiums illuminated by pillar candles. A mix of Western and Eastern traditions combined into a stunning reception.
A Mehndi is an event held before an Indian wedding ceremony. Mehndi parties are usually held in the week leading up to the actual wedding ceremony and are attended by close friends and relatives who apply Mehndi or Henna to the bride’s body.
In the past, Mehndi parties were only attended by women, and female relatives and friends of the bride will dance to music and play the dholak. Nowadays, Mehndi parties are no longer considered a private affair and have become lavish and elaborate celebrations that are attended by both men and women.
For this event, we worked with a vivid pallet of green, pink, and yellow to adorn the stage. Colorful glass lanterns and petals also embellished each table.
On Saturday, August 30th, The Showbox in down town Seattle was once again transformed for the launch of Magic The Gathering's Khans of Tarkir! Five mystical lands were represented throughout the venue.
Olive trees, ferns, grasses and jute decorated the centeral gathering space. Bamboo screens and tawny brown fur throws added to the mood.
Hanging swamp vines, dotted with twinkling fireflies and leafy palm trees were scattered throughout the Sultai area.
In the Jeskai upper lounge, assorted sized Asian red lanterns decoratively hung from the edge of the Azban copper canopies.
Bamboo screens provided a decorative Asian backdrop for the buffet tables.
Guests were in for an icy treat as they visited the bar & Buffet area where tall icebergs had burst from a snowy floor.
Overhead festoon lighting glowed. White fur ottomans and rugs offered resting for the guests.
VIP guests found themselves in a warm Moroccan style environment. Two 6ft tall golden lit gourd lamps made an exotic statement. Guests gathered under sheer
copper canopies and enjoyed lounging on bronze serpentine benches. Vintage brass Moroccan tray
tables were accented with decorative candle-lit lanterns.
Bamboo screens added to the ambiance.